Henna oil improves hair health and strength and regulates
sebum secretion from the scalp. As for thin hair, this oil gives it volume and
strength and cleans it well.
Saad oil
Works to reduce hair growth
Watercress oil contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K,
trace amounts of folate, choline, vitamin E, manganese, and selenium, in
addition to that it is a source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium,
and sodium.
Wheat germ oil contains a high percentage of vitamin C,
which is anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. It is an anti-oxidant oil because
it contains a high percentage of antioxidants, and it also contains (e)
antioxidant and vitamin (B) group.
Cardamom oil
Cinnamon oil
Fennel oil
Marjoram oil
Mustard oil
Nutmeg oil
Pomegranate oil
Rosemary oil
Sage oil
Sebum Oil – Vigel oil
Sidr Herb Oil
Thyme Oil